Photo of Fremont Lake, Mono County, CA

Fremont Lake Fishing
Hoover Wilderness

Fremont Lake Fishing

Hoover Wilderness - Mono County

For a day of fishing or a week, Fremont Lake in the Hoover Wilderness is a wonderful destination. It is an 8½-mile hike from the trailhead, making it a full day of backpacking to reach your destination; but once there you will have the beautiful expanse of Fremont Lake beckoning you every morning.

At 8,200 feet, Fremont Lake makes a prime base camp. The upper end of the lake has a broad, lightly forest area which offers plenty of room to set up a comfortable camp. For those who would like to lighten their burden on the way to the lake, the Leavitt Meadow Pack Station can help you out.


  • Chain of Lakes are spread one after another only a mile up the trail from Fremont Lake. These small lakes offer great variety.
  • Long Lakes Another mile or two over easy terrain beyond Chain of Lakes are Upper and Lower Long lakes, both with good fishing.
Fremont  Lake, Mono County, California

Fremont Lake

Other Featured Trips in Mono County

  • Cinko Lake - Hike beyond Fremont Lake to pretty little Cinko Lake.
  • Cooney Lake - One of several lakes near Virginia Lakes
  • Green Lake - Find Green Lake and several others only a short hike out from the trailhead near Bridgeport.
  • Fern Lake - hike out of June Lake to a scenic alpine lake
  • Hilton Lakes - Enjoy a string of lakes and streams only 2 hours off the Rock Creek Road.
  • Parker Lake - Day hike to this spectacular lake near the June Lake Loop.

Leavitt Meadow, Mono County, California

Leavitt Meadow

In My Creel

  • #16 Adams
  • #12 Blue Wing Olive
  • #14 Royal Wulff
  • Mepps
  • Thomas Buoyant
  • Panther Martin

Half-mile long Fremont Lake can get windy in the afternoons, making fly fishing a little more challenging. I tried to get out early when the water was still and had great luck along both shores. The lower end of the lake sees much less fishing and is worth the trek. Lures in mid-day didn't produce much.

Recommended Books, Maps, Lures, and Flies for Fishing the Hoover Wilderness

Roosevelt Lake, Hoover Wilderness, California

Roosevelt Lake

Making Your Way to Fremont Lake

The trailhead at Leavitt Meadow on the east side of Sonora Pass can be reached from Highway 108 out of Sonora or from Highway 395 just north of Bridgeport. A backpackers' parking lot is located next to the Leavitt Meadow Campground. Restrooms and a self-serve wilderness permit kiosk are located at the parking lot. The Hoover Wilderness now requires that backpackers carry bear canisters.

A short trail leads over to the campground and from there to the new bridge that spans the West Walker River. Soon after the bridge a junction in the trail offers two routes. The trail to the left past Secret Lake is a little longer, while the one to the right heads directly up Leavitt Meadow. Both trails converge a half mile before Roosevelt and Lane lakes.

For those wanting to split the hike into two days, Lane Lake (3.5 miles) makes a good stopping place. Excellent campsites are found on the southern and eastern sides. Fishing is good. Just beyond Lane Lake the old trail splits off to the right along the side of a beaver pond. This unmaintained route follows the river more closely and eventually rejoins the main trail.

Bypass the turnoff to Hidden Lake and continue to a river crossing at the foot of a stiff ascent up to Fremont Lake. Overall, the 8½-mile hike to Fremont Lake climbs a little over a thousand feet.


A broad flat at the upper (southern) end of Fremont Lake has room for several groups to camp without ever feeling crowded. Although small campsites can be located along the eastern shore, they are less desirable.

California's Best Camping

For complete information about campgrounds near Leavitt Meadow, see

California's Best Camping website logo

Fishing Supplies

On your way to the Leavitt Meadow trailhead, you can pick up fishing supplies at the following places:

  • Rich and Sal's Sport Shop, Pinecrest
  • The Sportsman, 90 S. Washington, Sonora
  • Mountain Liquors, 18711 Tiffeni Dr., Twain Harte
  • Strawberry Store, Strawberry
  • Dardanelle Store, Dardanelle
  • Ken's Sporting Goods, Bridgeport
  • Virginia Lakes Resort
  • Bell's Sporting Goods, Lee Vining
  • Ernie's Fishing Tackle in June Lake

Emigrant Wagons in 1852

In 1852 a party of emigrants dragged their wagons up the steep hillside at the northern end of Fremont Lake only to find that they couldn't maneuver them along either shoreline. With no other choice, they dug a drainage trench at the end of the lake and lowered the water level enough that they could ford their wagons through the shallows along the western side of the lake. Several thousand more emigrants followed in 1853 and 1854. For more information, read Sonora Pass Pioneers, offered by the Tuolumne County Historical Society.

High Sierra Trails

Parker Lake, California

Parker Lake

High Sierra Trails website logo